Caden stays with Jonathan's mom during the day while I'm at work. It makes leaving him during the day a LOT easier! She loves the time with him, and he seems to have too much fun throughout the day to miss me too terribly much.
Speaking of Caden, the kid is a NUT!!! He is growing and learning and getting cuter and smarter by the day! He is all over the place these days! Crawling, pulling up on anything and everything, even taking a few steps here and long as no one is looking. haha, guess he doesn't like an audience while he learns new things! All this mobility, however, is becoming somewhat dangerous! Caden has already experienced his first bloody nose and his first black eye. Learning to walk is risky business and falls do happen, no matter how hard we try to prevent them!
Caden is also learning more words by the day! He is copying sounds, which is absolutely hilarious.
And I guess I could mention now, as he stands in the middle of the floor crying, my kid is SPOILED. Yes, I admitted it. He's rotten. I can't help it, he's just too cute! I guess I learned a valuable lesson for the next time around ;) No, not anytime soon!
Anywhoo, thats about it. Caden's first birthday is June 11, and we are planning a big party for him on June 13.
Thats my update for now, I'll try to get better about keeping up with this thing. Promise.
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