Monday, February 2, 2009

Things they don't tell you....

There's a lot of things people never tell you.
Especially when it comes to having a baby.
and marriage, but thats another story for another time.
Back to the things people never tell you about having a baby.

Just because your baby is 7 months, almost 8 months old doesn't mean the hard work is over and life gets easier. Sleep is still just as hard, if not harder to come by. I'm not sure what in the world has gotten into our son, but he just doesn't sleep. He is/was fighting his second ear infection. Finished his antibiotics so I doubt its that. Teething? Maybe its teething? Everynight is a guessing game and I'm completely EXHAUSTED!

And accidents, how about accidents. No one warns you that as soon as your little bundle o' joy becomes mobile that accidents galore are waiting around every corner! Poor Caden took a tumble off the bed this week. Turn your head for even a second and they're taking head dives off the side of the bed. He's ok, it was scary for us though. Then the next day he's sitting on the floor playing with toys and WHAM! He flailes backwards and bangs his little head on the floor. I'm starting to wish plastic bubbles were sold at babiesrus. I would buy one, no lie.

Well, there's my thoughts for today.
Caden is all over the place!!

oh, and yeah. I have a job interview tomorrow. Someone cross their fingers and say a prayer for me ;)